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Helping Your Son/Daughter Choose a Career
Planning for the future is not something you do once. It's an ongoing process. Career planning has three steps that your son/daughter will cycle through and repeat throughout his or her working life.

By following the steps below, young people can make informed career decisions. As a parent, you can help them explore their options and discover what it will take to reach their goals.

The Three Steps in the Career Planning Process
Step One: Know yourself
Evaluate yourself—your interests, abilities, and work values.

Step Two: Explore options and choose a direction
Gather information to consider career options that relate to what you know about yourself.

Step Three: Make plans and take action
Consider issues that can affect your plans and take appropriate actions to accomplish your goals.

Things You Can Do as a Parent

  • Be receptive to and listen when your son/daughter wants to discuss career and/or college plans.
  • Have your son/daughter explore career and college options and collect as much information as possible.
  • Encourage them to capture their ideas on paper. One idea is to create a scrapbook of their plans for career and college.
  • Be aware of various deadlines for applications to colleges and financial aid. Put them on a calendar that both you and your child can look at.
  • Suggest that your son/daughter meet with a college counselor at least once a year, beginning in the 10th /12th grade, to learn more about college and career planning.
  • Be supportive of your son/daughter, and meet with their counselor if you sense that he or she needs additional help.
  • Encourage your son/daughter by helping them see the connection between college and career. Emphasize the importance of selecting a major that helps them prepare for a career.
  • If your son/daughter is undecided about a career direction, do not try to fix it. Let them look into all the possibilities.

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Encourage your son/daughter by helping them see the connection between college and career. Emphasize the importance of selecting a major that helps them prepare for a career. If your son/daughter is undecided about a career direction, do not try to fix it. Let them look into all the possibilities.

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